Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ohh We Ohh, I look just like Buddy Holly

So today was homecoming at my uni, and living off campus for the first time, I attempted to go up and enjoy the festivities....this was an awkward experience. For some reason my uni, no longer feels like a place I can enjoy with ease. I feel like I have to really work for the sense of connection I used to take for granted. I'm not really okay with this difference. I knew going into this year that living off campus would have its pitfalls. In fact I predicted this sense of distance being bothersome, but the intensity of this isolation is quite intense. Partly this sense of isolation comes from my lack of extra-curricular involvement which in years past has been overly zealous and thus my extreme lack of involvement has me feeling even more isolated than I would if I were equally as involved as in the past and living off campus.
Alas I need to just goto bed and think about this tomorrow.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

First Blog Entry

With this post I will taken the leap to blogging. This will be my first adventures in the murky waters of the bloggosphere, so I ask for leniency until I get the hang of things.

This blog will hopefully document the ongoings of my life--school, work, personal. I will not use real names, nor specifics which may identify people or places. I may use this to post some of the prose and poetry that come as a result of a fiction and poetry workshop I am a participant.

If anyone has issue with what I write, I ask that they email me and I will attempt to find a viable solution.

I hope everyone enjoys.